
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Off to Brownwood!!!!

The day had finally arrived! We had this trip planned for a year and the day to leave was here! We were planning to be gone for a month or maybe more. I had arranged my work schedule in a way that I didn't have to be back to work until November 14th. We left on October 8th so we had lots of time to do and see whatever we wanted. We have never been able to take a trip anything like this. I think our longest vacation ever was 11 days and that was our wedding, almost 15 years ago. And I wouldn't even call it a vacation. It was mostly wedding prep, we didn't even go on a honeymoon. The runner up vacation was a trip to San Antonio, we were there for 5 days I think but we had 6 kids, 4 of them foster children. I think I can say we have never had a real vacation, but we have gone places.

 The girls were so excited to go. Rhileigh, who is my child that is not a morning person sprung out of bed that morning! It was great to see them so excited. The really cool part about this trip is that we just got finished studying the Mid-Atlantic states and they had a poster board project they had to do. The project required them to plan an imaginary trip to the Mid-Atlantic states, map out three places they  would like to visit, find pictures online of the places and describe what they would see and do at each location. They didn't have to imagine it, they got to actually go to the places! It was perfect and accidental, really. We bought them each a camera to document the trip and take pictures of whatever they wanted to. They took a lot of pictures of squirrels. A little side story for you: We were in Washington D.C. surrounded by all things that make up Washington D.C., incredible buildings, history, it really is an amazing place to visit. As we were walking down the street there was a family stopped on the sidewalk and as we walked closer we saw that their kid was feeding two squirrels and they were really, really close to the boy feeding them. Half and arm's length I'd say. The girls could hardly stand it they were so excited by this! We watched for a while and then thanked the family for making not only our kid's day but their whole trip! Anyway, back to the school project. Poor Harper left her camera in a Cab in D.C. But, we took enough pictures for her to choose from.

We had a bit of crock pot drama......

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