

About Me

Welcome, glad you stopped by!

My name is Jen and I  am married to a wonderful guy named Sam, who loves me as much as I love him. Everyday with him is better than the one before. We are foster parents and  have adopted four kids. Two are grown and out living life on their own and our 8 year old twin girls are keeping us very busy!  I work part time from home, I love to cook and find cleaning relaxing. I love a good cup of coffee and spending time with friends. I love to laugh and above all I am a daughter to the Risen King and try to live a life pleasing to Him.

This blog started out to be a journal of our life as foster parents but I never really wrote anything about fostering or the kiddos. Looking back, I wish I would have. 

Consider Me Coffeed is about our life. Which is very full.  You will find posts on our family,  gardening, raising animals, recipes, our journey to a more simplified life and maybe the occasional post about foster parenting.  All brought to you by the power of coffee!