
Monday, August 22, 2011

The 50 Cent Meal Challenge

The 50 Cent Meal Challenge is a joint effort between two sisters in different regions and with different challenges.  Tina lives in Ohio with her husband and son, and is learning to stretch her shrunken budget while trying to develop an old fashioned, basic approach to cooking.  Jen lives in New Mexico with her husband and they are Foster Parents who are learning the art of flexibility. They live on a single income and are joining this challenge for the sake of the challenge.  Tina and Jen are planning their family groceries on a 250.00 budget for 6 weeks. 
I think this is a really fun challenge that will really stretch my cooking skills and style, while still providing my family with healthy nutritional meals. I am a self taught "Cheft" who cooks with a gourmet flare. It will entail denying ourselves some of the treats we like, like Sam's (non-alcoholic) Ginger Beer and my ice cream. But there is nothing wrong with denying yourself things every once in a while. Its freeing in a way. 

My husband works full time and then some. I am a stay at home wife and my focus is taking care of our small homestead where we raise a garden and chickens and two dogs. We are foster parents and currently have no children in the home. But we never know when that will change. We are licensed for 6 so our household can go from 2 to 8 with just a phone call. So that may pose a challenge within a challenge. But I'm game. 

I have never had a set budget for groceries, I have tracked it and cut it down, but never a budget.  I tend to be pretty frugal but this challenge will without a doubt teach me a lot . 

My approach will be a little different from Tina's. I will shop weekly with the budget of 41.66. I have not done a total pantry/freezer inventory yet but through the challenge you will know what I bought and what I had on hand. 

Weekly budget     41.66
Amount spent     -37.40
                              4.26  UNDER BUDGET! 

Left in budget    212.60  Yikes! 5 more weeks to go!

          The 50 Cent Meal Challenge
              Track Tina's progress here

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