Chicken and Broccoli Casserole
via Pinterest..Get off your Butt and Bake |
I love to cook and cook different things all the time. I love a new recipe. But the four year olds that I have to feed just want to eat peanut butter and jelly everyday. Well one of them likes just peanut butter and the other just jelly. For them being twins they couldn't be more different!! So dinner time at our house has been "fun" lately. There was even a night of going to bed right after dinner when the "skun" was still up. So, though I am not going to change my cooking style to making kid friendly meals everyday I have looked for cheesy, noodley goodness type of recipes to make dinner time a little more enjoyable for all. For last week this is what I made:
- Chicken and Broccoli Casserole
- BBQ Chicken in the oven with brown rice, corn and green beans
- Vegetable penne
- Pork chops with scalloped potatoes and green beans
- Pork chops with leftover pasta, potatoes and veggies
The chicken and broccoli casserole was great! It was rich and yummy. It was a new
recipe and the girls were not a fan of it. We loved it and I'll make it again. Someday. The vegetable penne was a new dish too it was really good, a little bland so I added pickled jalapenos to mine and it was even better. The girls... not fans. So both of those were slaps to the cheesy, noodley goodness, face. That was the night of going to bed right after dinner. The chicken they gobbled up and all was well in our home. The pork chops they gobbled up even faster and even asked for THIRDS, yep they dug the pork chops. So did my husband. He said they were the best porks chops he's ever eaten. Wow. So at his request I made them again. In the same week. I roll like that sometimes. The girls ate them up again, so it just wasn't that they were extra hungry from not eating more than two noodles for dinner the night before. So my conclusion is that they prefer their food to be not of the casserole family, in any shape or form. This week anyway. I'll keep trying. Though tonight I may give in to the just peanut butter and just jelly.